Course Information
General Performance Online Course starts with an overwiev of basic terminologies including Absolute Altitude, Accelerate-Go Distance, Aerodynamics, Airspeed, Angle of Attack, Center of Gravity, Ground Effect, Lift, Stopway, Transition Altitude etc and concepts such as Importance of Performance Data, Atmosphere, Pressure Altitude, Density Altitude, QFE-QNH Standard Altimeter Settings. The course then focuses on Takeoff Considerations which are Takeoff Speeds-Certification / Performance/ Requirements,Takeoff Field Length, Effects of Runway Slope, The Go decision, The Stop Decision, Wet Runway Takeoff Performance, Slippery Runway Takeoff Performance, Climb, Obstacle etc. The course also includes Climb Performance with an emphasis on climb considerations, climb gradient, climb and obstacle limitations etc. EN Route Performance Considerations and Landing Performance Considerations are other sections where Long Range Cruise & Optimum Altitude Considerations, Single-Engine Performance & Enroute failure considerations, Normal Procedures and Abnormal Landing Considerations etc. are discussed. A short summary is presented for you at the end of the course.
Content of the Course
Slide | 72 | Duration | 00:42:28 | Exam | No |
- Basic Terminology
- Concepts – Importance of Performance Data
- The Atmosphere
- Pressure Altitude
- Density Altitude
- QFE – QNH – Standard Altimeter Settings
- Takeoff Speeds – Certification Requirements – Accelerate-Stop
- Engine Inoperative Accelerate-Go
- VMCG Minimum Control Speed on the Ground
- V1 Takeoff Decision Speed
- VR Rotation Speed
- VMBE Maximum Brake Energy Speed
- VMCA Minimum Control Speed in the Air
- VMU Minimum Unstick Speed
- VLOF Liftoff Speed
- V2 Speed
- Takeoff Speeds Relations
- Takeoff Performance Requirements
- Takeoff Field Length
- Field Length
- Balanced Field Length
- Accelerate-Go Distance
- ASDA Accelerate-Stop Distance Available
- TORA Takeoff Run Available
- TODA Takeoff Distance Available
- Clearway
- Stopway
- Effects of Winds
- Effects of Runway Slope
- The Go Decision
- The Stop Decision
- Wet Runway Takeoff Performance
- Slippery Runway Takeoff Performance
- Contaminated Runway Takeoff Performance
- Effects of Flaps on Takeoff Gross Weight and Field Length
- Climb
- Obstacle
- Climb Gradient
- Climb and Obstacle Limitations – Takeoff Flight Path
- Takeoff Segments and Climb Requirements
- Takeoff Turn Procedure
- Optimum Altitude Considerations
- Single-Engine Performance Considerations
- Enroute Failure Considerations
- Drift Down procedure
- Diversion Airfield
- Structural Weight Limit
- Approach Climb Limit
- Landing Climb Limit
- Landing Field Length Limit (Runway Limit)
- Actual Landing Distance
- Factored Landing Distance
- Effective Runway Landing Length
- Abnormal Landing Considerations – Wet or Slippery Runway
- Contaminated Runway