Course Information This course includes discussion on the following 747 FMS issues: Engine out climb, cruise and driftdown inputs and procedures. Courses are constantly monitored and updated when major changes …
Course Information This course includes discussion on the following 747 FMS issues: Engine out climb, cruise and driftdown inputs and procedures. Courses are constantly monitored and updated when major changes …
Course Information This course describes the Fight Management System use of the descent mode and includes the following:A review of the different descent modes such as speed, path, RTA and …
Course Information This superior program continues to cover the Flight Management System for cruise operations and includes the following: Components and inputs to the cruise page to include, cruise climb, …
Course Information This course discusses the methods, techniques and types of datalink messages that can be received or transmitted to ATC or the Company Operations Centre and includes the following: …
Course Information This course describes the displays and the required CDU inputs to perform the following items: the arrival page discussions, VFR approach data, the Approach Reference page review and …
Course Information This course does an excellent job of describing the components, normal/abnormal operations, controls, indications of the B747 Standby Instrument systems and includes the following information:A review of the …
Course Information This course does an excellent job of describing the components, normal/abnormal operations, controls, indications of the B747 Flight control systems and includes the following information: The Flight Controls …
Course Information This superior program reviews the B747 fire protection systems. The course meets or exceeds the requirements of the States’ of Registry. The program contains the following information; a …
Course Information This course does an excellent job of describing the components, normal/abnormal operations, controls, indications of the B747 engines and includes the following information: The engine fuel systems, electronic …
Course Information This course is an in-depth and well animated course on the electrical systems components and the normal/abnormal operations of the systems. The program contains the following data; A …
Course Information This program is an excellent review of the B747 doors and emergency equipment. This course includes a discussion of the following. A review of the main deck normal …
Course Information B747-400 BCF CBT – DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GE & PW ENGINES Content of the Course Slide 51 Duration 00:13:40 Exam No COURSE START DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GE AND PW ENGINES …