GDPR, which stands for General Data Protection Regulation is to be take effect on May this year. Having headquarters in United Kingdom, Flyco Training Solutions had already been exposed to the most strict privacy and security regulations in the industry. Flyco Group has recently released a statement that they are fully compliant with the new regulations which will take affect on 25th of May this year. Flyco advised to their clients that they only keep and collect information relevant to services being provided and these include course logs, exam logs and other course related information which are crucial core aspects of the service Flyco is providing. In like manner Flyco does not share any private data belonging to registered users in its system; sole exceptions being the stakeholders for which Flyco is liable. Stakeholders are limited to Civil Aviation Authorities and companies in which registered users are already employed. Flyco also ensured that the security of every process and data input within our LMS website is secured by an SSL certificate and they constantly run diagnostics and execute thorough checks to ensure secure storage of sensitive data; Flyco system is also regularly tested against malevolent activities and unauthorized access attempts. We also do not store cookies on users’ personal devices nor do we use or exchange them. Through meticulously practicing these measures Flyco is all set to be GDPR compliant.
In the light of recent events, we would like to clarify that Flyco as a group and any of its subsidiaries are not in the business of selling any form of data and/or advertisement. commented Orcun Sufraci, Chief Technology Officer of Flyco Group.